Man sitting on an amp playing guitar

Expensive amplifier, cheap guitar...

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels. Expensive amplifier, cheap guitar. Everyone knows that’s the rule, right? I grew up swearing by this ethos. If I had a good amp, it would pretty much mask anything, old strings, a rubbish guitar made of driftwood, bad technique…okay, not so much, but I’ll stand by the guitar part. Fact is, a cheap guitar will sound fairly decent on a good amp. A good guitar will sound absolutely awful on a cheap amp....

April 15, 2019
Two Notes Wall of Sound

Reactive load and Impulse Response (IR) speaker cabinet simulation question and answer

I had a lot of questions after my first blog post — “How to get a great guitar tone at any volume”. Here’s a few and I’ll add more over time. Feel free to ask more questions in the comments. What if I have an amp/speaker combo, not just an amplifier head? You can still use a reactive load box with it. Unplug the internal speaker and go straight into the load box....

February 8, 2017
Suhr Reactive Load and Two Notes C.A.B.

How to get a great guitar tone at any volume

Stereo with one amp, wet/dry, no microphones, any speaker you can think of, consistent beautiful tone, low volume…a guitarists dream! It’s always been a passion of mine to be able to hear what my guitar sounds like in stereo. I bought my first stereo effects pedal, a DOD FX747 Supersonic Flanger way back in 2000. Since then, I’ve been on a mission to find a good stereo solution that wouldn’t involve two separate amps....

February 3, 2017